ARTiST...... : Ifa
TiTTlE...... : Journey
lABEl....... : Zion Train
GENRE....... : Reggae
ENCOdER..... : Lame 3.97
QUAlitY..... : VBR 44.1kHz
StORE dATE.. : 00-00-2007
RElEASE dAtE : 04-25-2008
SiZE........ : 63,7 MB
TRACkS...... : 16
Track List
01 African Woman 03:39
02 Freedom 03:40
03 Royal Princess 03:49
04 Bhinghi Man [Insert] 00:22
05 Real Rastaman 03:53
06 Chant 04:04
07 How Often Do You Pray 04:14
08 Jah Call Dem 03:55
09 Gun Palm [Ft Ras Attitude] 03:53
10 Jah Is Watching You 03:49
11 Oh Son 04:00
12 Insert II 00:23
13 I Love You [Ft Yami Bolo] 03:39
14 Burning Love 03:34
15 Healing Of The Nation 04:04
16 How Many Rivers To Cross 04:04
55:02 min
W :: www.rasifa.com
Wherever Ifa goes and whomever he meets he exudes
peace and serenity. Yet, there is a determination
in his eyes that reveals he is a focused artist and
teacher of Rastafarian philosophy. His first
single “How often do you pray” from his soon to be
release album Journey exemplifies this mild
mannered Rasta man.
George Francis aka Ifa is an artist from the Island
of Jamaica. He grew up around many artists in the
field of entertainment. He started in the
entertainment Industry at a young age of fourteen.
Ifa grew up among the family of Bob Marley. He was
inspired by the music of the Marley family and
Mystic Revealers. Billy Mystic taught Ifa how to
play the guitar. By playing the guitar Ifa realized
that he was excellent at writing songs. At the age
of 14 while still in high school Ifa landed a role
in the movie Club Paradise with Jimmy Cliff and
Robin Williams. Ifa was also in the Bob Marley’s
life story Legend. Ifa loves acting but saw an
opportunity to do various stage shows around the
world. He has performed in Kenya, Nairobi,
Mombassa, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden.
Ifa left abroad and moved to the United States,
California to pursue his dream of entertainment. He
came out with a single with Yami Bolo called
Rastafari is I life. This single is also on Yami
Bolo's album. Ifa also did a remake of Money in my
pocket with artist Simple Red, which is on Simply
Reds album. Ifa also did the Movie Hair Show with
Monique in 2004. Ifa is currently working on his
first solo album which will be released in 2007.
Bless & Enjoy.

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